The "lightning bolt" during pregnancy is real - here's what to look for

A young pregnant woman has a headache. She is resting on the bed in the bedroom and is not feeling well.

Pregnancy comes with a number of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, bloating, and lack of sleep. But one of the signs of pregnancy that you don't hear much about, despite its being very common, is lightning. Sounds awful, right? When it happens, it can happen. An electric shock is an unexpected shock to the vaginal area, pelvic area, or rectum that can leave you in a short state of pain and discomfort. While this may sound shocking, it is not really dangerous, and it is a very common part of pregnancy. According to the Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, up to 30% of pregnant women will experience an electric shock. Here's a few basic facts about a stomp pad and how it is used.

What is Lightning Crotch?

Caroline Moyers, DO, a board-certified ob-gynecologist who specializes in treating pregnancy pain, says electric shock is not a medical term. However, many pregnant parents use the colloquial term to describe a sudden, sharp, shooting sensation. "Women describe it as an electric bolt or a tong that shoots into the vaginal area. And it usually occurs in the third trimester towards the end of pregnancy," says Dr. Moyers.

What are the causes or triggers of lightning?

Experts aren't sure what caused the power outage, but Dr. Moyers says the pain could be triggered by the child's stress. "We're under a lot of pressure and discomfort with the female anatomy as our center of gravity moves," says Dr. Moyers. "We put pressure on those lumbar spine muscles - and our abdominal muscles are stretched and our pelvic floor muscles - with this increase in pressure." Sometimes, this pressure can result in pain that feels like a strong jab, electric shock, burns, or pins and needles.

How long does a power outage last?

According to Dr. Moyers, pain can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Pain can occur several times throughout the day and often without warning.

The story continues.

What is the difference between electric shock and other pregnancy or pelvic pain? When should you see a doctor?

Dr. Moyers says that the pain of an electric shock is considered a sharp electric shock that heals itself in seconds or minutes and therefore "no worries". That being said, there are other pregnancy pains that can be thought of as electric shocks: round-leg pain, which Dr. Moyers describes as a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen and pelvis. Sciatic pain, usually on the back of the pelvis near the rectal area and can spread to the bottom of the leg. And varicose veins in the vulva, which can cause pressure and heaviness in the area.

If you are unsure of what you are experiencing, consult your doctor - especially if the pain persists. "If you have persistent pain, you need to get checked out immediately," says Dr. Moyers. She says more serious and persistent pelvic pain is associated with conditions such as nasal congestion, premature labor, and bladder or kidney infections, and these are not conditions you want to leave unattended. ۔

How do you treat an electric shock?

"Sometimes, nothing works," says Dr. Moyers - but there's nothing wrong with trying. Often, people are told, "Yeah, it's hard to get pregnant" ... basically, suck it up. And it's really frustrating, "she says. "But there are definitely treatment options."

Dr. Moyers holds a Neuro-Musculoskeletal Medicine Fellowship, specializing in the treatment of low back and pelvic pain during pregnancy and postpartum. Recommendations include chiropractic adjustments, seeing an osteopathic physician, and relying on position changes to get the baby off the nerve that can trigger your pain. Dr. Moyers says squatting positions and yoga are great for relaxation. She also swears by belly bands to redistribute weight and lighten the load on her back. She fits mothers in her office for belly bands. You can ask your ob-gyn if they can do this for you or if they can recommend you to someone.


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